Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Four Personality Types and Core Associations

Four personality types and their fears.

Task Oriented vs. People Oriented

Reserved Nature vs. Outgoing Nature (not the same as Intro/Extro-vert)

I'm wondering about this. Do I have these more or less right? Are these four fears the basic core fears humanity faces? I wonder.

* An Oracle (Task + Reserved) fears being in the wrong. The bigger the decision, the greater the fear.

* A Visionary (People + Outgoing) fears doing wrong by someone. Often this looks like hurting someone, but not only.

* A Warrior (Task + Outgoing) fears failing in an accomplishment. The more important the task, the greater the pain of failure.

* A Healer (People + Reserved) fears failing to matter/make-a-difference to anyone. To put in effort and have it be brushed off as irrelevant or unimportant because no one cares.