Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Just What Is Intimacy?

How often have you heard someone use the word intimacy when what they really meant was sex?

It's as though there's a stigma on using the word sex, so we use the word intimacy to soften the blow or something.

Here's the problem -- they're not the same thing

Sex is sex. Intimacy is intimacy.

So what is intimacy if it's not sex?

Intimacy is letting someone see you see yourself.

Wha... Huh?

I like the word play of intimacy meaning into me, see.

Any time we include another in our own act of self-discovery, we create intimacy.
When we explore our own selves -- our minds, our hearts, our greatness, our imperfections, our desires, etc. -- and include another as we do so, we create intimacy.
When we take accountability to another, we create intimacy.
When we offer loving feedback, we create intimacy.
When we work together to find a solution that represents all party's true interests, we create intimacy.

Intimacy is thought of as an airy, romantic ideal, but true intimacy is often uncomfortable.

Intimacy is exploring the reality of you, and letting someone else join you on that journey.

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