Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A random rambling

I admit to feeling tired and weary. I admit to feeling discouraged and demoralized. I admit I've allowed my conscious hope to wane.

So why persist?

Because fundamentally, hope is my bedrock, thus hitting rock bottom puts me in direct contact with that hope. That hope nourishes me and feeds me.

Fundamentally, I believe we are here on earth to learn and progress. This has come easy for me in some areas of life. In others, it seems to be a mega marathon trudge through thick, chest-high muck. I wonder if I'm learning, or if I'm just repeating the same mistakes and missing the lessons that would actually help.

Malcolm Gladwell speaks of putting in 10,000 hours to become an expert in any specific field or talent. I wonder how often I'm spending 1 hour 10,000 times.

But, I believe that I must have faith -- and I believe that I do have faith -- to trust that God will help me learn and progress as effectively as will serve me. By choosing in to growth and learning, He will help me find it! He is a good Father, granting the desires of our hearts.

He knows my desire, I strive to follow His guidance, and thus I can trust. I don't see it all, I have fears to overcome, but fundamentally, I trust. I believe. I have hope, and I have faith.

History is rarely kind to those who try to hurry it, but earth is often left a more inspired place by those who do.

I am not arguing for impatience. I believe in allowing the law of gestation to work its miracles. No, quite the opposite. It's that history needs pushing along. We create history by our decisions of each moment! And thus, each moment can be a conscious allocation of our energy -- either its expenditure or its rejuvenation. However, it can also be unconscious.

Sometimes being unconscious is equated with rejuvenation. Perhaps that is amiss.

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