"Teach them to never be weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall find rest to their souls." (Alma 37:34)
Rest for a soul comes from labor; idleness leads to a restless soul. Can a soul find comfort in idleness? It appears not. Even if considerably defeated by poor habit, a soul will wish or yearn for something different.
I believe this is because we are spirit children of God. God is a creator and our spiritual DNA, so to speak, is wired to create as well. Idleness is a poison to our souls.
This says nothing ill about physical, mental, or spiritual rest and rejuvenation. If our spirit, mind and heart is seeking to live to our greatest potential, to live for a purpose greater than ourselves, then rest and rejuvenation will be a very fulfilling part of our journey.
When we obtain our errand of the Lord, we are driven by our faith in Him to overcome the temptations of idleness, distraction, and discouragement that inevitably come.
In the words of David O. McKay "Find a purpose in life so big it will challenge every capacity to be at your best." What is yours? In what good works will you engage to find rest?
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