The following is about my 4th rough draft of an introductory document for my team. It will probably undergo further revisions, though I doubt I'll update it here.
I welcome you to Strongbrook family and the Peaceful Prosperity movement! We are united in a great cause!
What is Peaceful Prosperity?
Peaceful prosperity is a vision and a movement. As is suggested in the name, there are two parts: peace and prosperity.
Included in this packet is the book The Anatomy of Peace. I have purchased this book as a gift for you because of the message it contains. When I read this book for the first time, it resonated deeply with me and I knew it would be a part of my life going forward. The only literature I hold in higher esteem than this book is Holy Writ.
This book opens my eyes to how I see others and gives me a language to communicate that vision. While an easy read, I hope this book will expand your vision and understanding of yourself and those around you.
Books, books, and more books have been written about financial wealth and prosperity, but in the end, money is simply a tool; real prosperity is not about the quantity of stuff you have but about the quality of your life.
True prosperity is obtained independent of financial wealth through living positive ideals such as gratitude, charity, and kindness. Without such ideals, financial wealth will be a tool with which you destroy yourself and damage others. With sound and positive ideals, that same financial wealth becomes a tool for achieving eternal happiness as you enrich the lives of others.
Peaceful Prosperity
Peaceful prosperity implies using wealth to liberate without oppressing, to enable without debilitating, and to honor the humanity and sovereignty of others as opposed to making others the objects of our own self-righteous charity. The mission of the Peaceful Prosperity movement is to become and develop fabulously wealthy people who see others as people.
Peaceful Prosperity stands on three pillars: spiritual, mental, and financial health. We encourage the individual development of these through:
1) Spending time daily to connect with our Higher Power through Holy Writ.
2) Continual personal development via study, mentorship, training, and experience.
3) Providing clear opportunities, systems, and leadership to create significant residual income.
This is the prosperity we are seeking; this is Peaceful Prosperity. As a member of the Peaceful Prosperity team, we hope you will lead by example, seeking to embody these principles while leading others to do the same!
For more information, visit
====Note: is not up yet, and it may be a bit before it is. :)
Inspiring People to Connect Daily with God
Some may feel put off with such a blatant connection between business and religious content. If I may, I would like to explain this relationship, first, by what it is not.
I do not see this as a business venture that I am infusing with a spiritual aspect. So what is my intent? What do I see? Well, to me, Peaceful Prosperity is fundamentally a spiritual movement which, as part of its mission, contains a financial/business component.
It is my belief that any individual will be inhibited in developing the qualities and characteristics of Peaceful Prosperity without a belief in a Higher Power. As such, this movement must include inspiring and fostering one's own relationship with Diety. Whatever your belief system, I encourage you to find and study daily a work that you consider Divinely inspired, e.g. The Bible, The Qur'an, The Book of Mormon, Vedas, etc. and practice its principles.
As will be seen, I reference verses of scripture without reservation not as an endorsement of a any religious movement, but for the principles they contain. To quote a friend of mine, Leslie Householder, "the interpretation and application of scriptures and ideas here are my own and do not necessarily represent the beliefs or doctrine of any particular denomination." In short, this is not about religion at all, it simply includes one's own relationship with Diety.
I recognize that this will yet put some people off. While that is not my aim, it is okay. We are all different and I respect that, and hopefully with this, my intent is clear... albeit rather wordy. :)
I will write more later on other points, but that's all I wish to write at the moment.
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