Satan uses a particular tool to incite war, conflict, and oppression: money.
immediately goes to work using this tool from the very beginning of
this Telestial sphere. Interestingly, warding off this attack has
nothing to do with money, but everything to do with one's internal
perspective about money.
Satan tries to make money feel scarce, like it needs to be fought
for and hoarded. God invites us to be grateful, wise, and generous with
our resources. Satan uses money to stir conflict among people; God uses
money to allow us, His children, to experience peace as we see each
other as His equally valued children.
Often when God
prospers His people, they slip into Satan's agenda of proud and warring
hearts. Yet, as they humble themselves, God will let them try again. I
believe He wants us to learn the great peace, nobility, and abundance
that can come with prosperity if we will simply choose Him.
prosperity is the antithesis of Satan's agenda; it is the Utopian
result of a God-like people (See 4 Nephi); it is the goal and vision of what we can obtain, both individually and as a society!
Thus we see that money is neither good nor bad,
but can be used as a tool for either. If money were evil then good people
could not be good in having it and every corner of the earth would be ruled with oppression, destruction, bloodshed, and
Inasmuch as people are
infused with peaceful prosperity, then love, kindness, gratitude, and
abundance will abound. In other words, peaceful prosperity in individual
hearts will generate outward peace and prosperity among a people.
I hope to inspire peaceful prosperity in the hearts of men, women, and children -- to foster a multi-generational tradition of opposing Satan because we prosper peacefully. This is the movement I stand for.
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