Four personality types and their fears.
Task Oriented vs. People Oriented
Reserved Nature vs. Outgoing Nature (not the same as Intro/Extro-vert)
I'm wondering about this. Do I have these more or less right? Are these four fears the basic core fears humanity faces? I wonder.
* An Oracle (Task + Reserved) fears being in the wrong. The bigger the decision, the greater the fear.
* A Visionary (People + Outgoing) fears doing wrong by someone. Often this looks like hurting someone, but not only.
* A Warrior (Task + Outgoing) fears failing in an accomplishment. The more important the task, the greater the pain of failure.
* A Healer (People + Reserved) fears failing to matter/make-a-difference to anyone. To put in effort and have it be brushed off as irrelevant or unimportant because no one cares.