Friday, May 29, 2015

Vision, Trust, and God : Beliefs, Productivity, and Values

Gratitude builds Contentment.

Humility builds Clarity

Contentment and Clarity invite Vision

Integrity and Intent build Character

Expertise and Results build Competence

Character and Competence establish Trust

Charity invites Relationships

Faith invites Miracles

Relationships and Miracles? Well, what did He do for you?

I could end there, but one further insight calls to me. I hope it adds, not detracts.

We call how we see the world our perspective. Our perspective is built upon the beliefs we have adopted throughout life. Generally we are good observers, but poor interpreters. Gratitude and humility help us analyze the belief windows through which we see, i.e. our perspective.

When you feel something is crucial, that it just has to get done, who will you ask to do it? Someone who you perceive as both competent and of good character? Or someone who is lacking in one or both of these areas? Confidence or trust is the key ingredient to lasting, and even most short-term, productivity.

What are your core, fundamental values? What or whom do you love purely and completely? Wherein or in whom do you place ALL your trust? What would you risk life for? Even more, what would you dedicate your life for? "Dedication is a whole lot tougher than risking, because it takes time." --Hryum W. Smith

You see, when you get all these three:
  1. Your perspective is aligned with Truth and reality 
  2. You have a deep sense of self trust 
  3. Your thoughts, words, and actions are aligned with what you value most 
Then, you will find yourself filled with inner peace.

#3gaps #gratifuel #speedoftrust #arbinger #prophets #scripture

Friday, May 15, 2015

Think About Your Cans

If a number is not positive, we often say it's negative.

If something is not good, we often say it's bad.

If something is not red, we often say it's... um... wait what?

Well, these don't quite work.

If a number is negative, then true, it's not positive, and if something is bad, it's certainly not good, but the converse is not necessarily true.

Take zero, for example. Zero is neither positive nor negative, so to say that a number that's not positive must be negative is not quite right.

Or money. Money is neither good nor bad, and not being one does not imply that it is the other! Money just... is.

Colors? Well shoot, there's a whole spectrum!

I got thinking about this concept with a few other words: can, can't, will, won't.

Can't makes will or won't moot, while can makes will or won't a choice.

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right" said Henry Ford.

Of course, this is bound by natural law, but how much of natural law do we understand, and how much do we just think we understand? I'm pretty sure most physicists could show us a think or two that would make us second guess some of our understanding of natural law! But I digress.

What I noticed here is that focusing on what you can't do limits your options, while focusing on what you can do makes options and choices available to you.

Could it be that just focusing on what you can do will open doors for you? Yes, I believe so.

So any time you're tempted to tell yourself I can't, try asking yourself this question: what can I do? What options do I have?

We're here on earth to learn to be more like our Heavenly Father. I don't think He goes around thinking "ah, I can't do that." I mean the idea of it is just beyond silly!

Now I fully recognize that no, we're not Him, but I do think He likes it when we think more like Him. I mean, we're His children, you know?

So what can you do? Don't talk or even think about can'ts; talk and think about your cans