Friday, October 14, 2011

Google+ / Chrome Plugin

I like Google products. I think many would consider me a "Google Fanboy". Among other things, I like Google+. I'm always logged into my Google account and don't really like having to log into Facebook too, not to mention Twitter or LinkedIn. (I don't use LinkedIn much, but it is supported.) I just want one place for everything and since Google is already my online headquarters, I'd like to stay there.

Well, progress is being made. Presenting . (It's free, though there are "upgrade" versions you can pay for.) I'm still exploring this product and its capabilities, but I have been able to post things in G+ and have them auto-post into FB and Twitter too. It's worth using for that feature alone, but of course that's not all it does. I can also import my Twitter and FB feeds so they show up intermixed with G+ posts or just off to the side under Sparks (or both or neither). I can easily comment on a FB post from within G+ or retweet something.

But wait, there's more! I can also mix in RSS feeds with my G+! How cool is that?!  There are still features I've not tried out yet, e.g. I understand there's a way you can import your FB photos into G+, but I'm already very impressed by its simplicity and its feature set. I'll update here as I learn more, but for now +1 to!

Now if only there was a way to auto-post in G+ when I post on my blog. I mean, there is, if people add my blog to their RSS feeds in, but that's not what I'm getting at. I want a native G+ post to be created with a modifiable but default sharing setting (Extended Circles or some such) saying "I posted to my blog. Check it out. <link>"...